Friday, July 27, 2007

Crazy Week

Wow, so I thought I had a nice, easy week ahead of me last Sunday but that's not the way it turned out. I've hardly been at home, eventhough I took Thursday afternoon and Friday off. I had so many errands and appointments that it seems I've been at my house less the past two days than when I'm only going to work and home. Of course, I've only gone to just work and then home one day this week - Monday because I had to finish Harry Potter that night. Since then it was the wine bar next to the office with coworkers, then the next night out for quiz night at the neighborhood British pub, then next night movie with friends after an afternoon's vacation. Today, my car had to be serviced and then more errands and shopping since there are a lot of sales at the moment and I really need some more work clothes. Finally, Friday night (tonight) I arrived home before bedtime for what seems the first time since the weekend. More poor puppy hardly knows me.

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